Charge and Zap
- Tech Stack: C#, Unity, Blender, Aseprite
- Play Here: Play Link
- Github URL: Github Link
- URL: Link
UDC JAM #26 from June 2nd 2023 to June 11th 2023!
NOTE: Charge and Zap is a quick small co-op game based on the Theme ON/OFF.
This game suits the theme in the way that you have to be constantly charging your robot or
you will be without energy, and without energy your robot can't move. But there are ways of helping your friend
if one of you is stuck without energy. You can split your energy in half and give it to your friend.
You can also repair your friend (AKA giving him HP) but since he didn't add any enemies,
there won't be much use for that. For lack of time, we couldn't finish some intended features,
such as enemies and combat systems.
Game Objective: Cross the platform with your friend, and reach the other side.
Remember, don't stray too far from your friend, or you won't be able to move.
Controls: In the URL
Game made with the help of: